COVID-19 Nov Update: Ancasta remains operationally open!
In line with government guidelines, the doors to our Sales and Aftersales offices are now closed to the public.. HOWEVER WE REMAIN OPERATIONALLY OPEN!
All areas of the Ancasta Group are still operating a full service but over the next few weeks, some will have to be delivered virtually. The processes and procedures detailed below have been put in place to ensure the safety of all our customers and staff during these extraordinary times. We thank you for your patience and continued support. To view the Ancasta Safe Conduct Policy – please see below.

New restrictions mean that making the journey to the physical location of the boat is no longer permitted. All our offices are still manned and our brokers are primed and ready to deliver a live walk-through of the boat you wish to view. These walk-throughs can be booked* in advance at a time that is convenient to yourself and they can be conducted via Zoom, FaceTime or Skype.
These personal tours accompany the existing boat introductions, 360 degree tours and further detail that can be found on the specific boat pages on this website. They also allow for questions and further detailed investigation of the boat from the comfort of your own home. Call the relevant Ancasta office to book your personal appointment to view.
- Traditional boat viewings are unfortunately not permitted at this time. Our brokers are still available on site in all our offices to answer any questions you may have or to deliver virtual tours as detailed above.
- If you have expressed interest to view any of the new or used boats we currently have listed, you will be notified as soon as national restrictions allow.
Sea trials are not permitted at this time. Trials can be scheduled for early December but confirmation will not be possible until closer to the date.
- Virtual handovers are available for new owners whos travel is currently restricted.
- Ancasta have recently carried out a full day’s virtual handover via zoom and delivered the boat to the owners home port ready for her new owner to jump onboard when he is ready. The Handover was recorded to allow the new owner to retain a record of all the information delivered during his handover process.
- Physical handovers cannot be carried out at this time.
The teams at Ancasta Aftersales, Advanced Rigging and HYS Refit & Repair have been working (in accordance with government distancing guidelines) throughout the pandemic and continue to deliver professional work on owners’ boats in the Solent region and beyond.
The teams continue to:
Commission new sail and powerboats
Conduct maintenance on owners yachts
Winterise power and sail boats ahead of the coming winter season
Actively repair and upgrade customers yachts in preparation for 2021.
Quote for new works required over the coming months.
The Ancasta Group has prepared carefully to help you with your boat search, purchase or maintenance in these difficult times. Public access to our sales or aftersales offices is now restricted however, if you have ANY requirements for your boat, please do not hesitate to contact us as we are still fully operational in all areas of the business.
Contact us now to ensure you are on the water in 2021.
For more information please call:
Contact Ancasta Brokerage: +44 (0)2380 450 000
Contact Ancasta Aftersales: +44 (0)2380 604682
Contact: Advanced Rigging: +44 (0)2380 454 280
Contact HYS Refit & Repair: +44 (0)23 804 54 111
Please note that this notice will be updated in-line with developing government guidelines over the coming weeks.
*dependant on location, third party suppliers, marina operators & government advised restrictions.