Gran Turismo Days 2021
27th - 30th May
Join Beneteau in the fantastic surroundings of Port Ginesta, Barcelona for the 2021 GT Days. There is no better event to really explore the Gran Turismo range with all models available to compare and contrast in one beautiful location.
On display and available for sea trial at this years event will be the following models:
Gran Turismo 32
Gran Turismo 36 IB
Gran Turismo 41
Gran Turismo 45
There are four slots available each day so please get in touch to secure your appointment:
9 – 10am
11 – 1pm
2:30 – 4:30pm
4:30 – 6:30pm
Email: beneteau@ancasta.com or call: +44 (0) 2380 450 026 for more information.